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The newest member of the Radius team!

By February 21, 2012March 21st, 2012No Comments

Painting at a boys school in Santiago, Domincian Republic with Dean (a Peace Corps volunteer)

Hi Everyone!

My name is Jessica and I am thrilled to be the new Radius Workshops marketing intern this semester! I am from Fort Myers, FL and am a 3rd year marketing major at the University of Florida. I applied to be Radius Workshops Marketing Intern because I LOVE traveling and embracing everything that goes along with it.

I think everyone who has a passion for travel can trace back to a memory of when they caught the travel bug. You know, that unexplainable excitement of being in a new looking, new smelling,new sounding place? For me, that time was when I was 8 years old. Having never been on a plane, or north of Tennessee for that matter, I found myself on a 13-hour trek to the small town of Skudeneshavn, Norway. There wasn’t a particular THING about Norway in general that sparked my interest in travel (and certainly not the food). But it was that overall experience of having a change of pace, change of culture and language. It was a place so different than my home.

Traveling anywhere is just good for us. It could be a trip to a different county, state, or country. It could involve staying at The Ritz, in a tent, or on a boat. The most important thing though, in my opinion, is how we travel. We should travel to better ourselves. Maybe we do this by traveling to help others; maybe we do this by taking part in a workshop or program of study.
We can all definitely benefit by veering off the path of ordinary travel and onto the extraordinary voyages where we embrace local food, culture, and people. It is important that we take a chance to recognize what a place truly has to offer instead of being bused from place to place, from landmark to landmark.

Again, I am glad to be a new part of the Radius team! Each week, I will blog about SOMETHING detailing the world of travel, art, or food and culture. I wish I was able to flash forward to next week and begin writing the next blog but for now, it is time to go study for that business statistics exam and write a dreaded finance paper. Long days ahead!

Until next time!



Author dtfb

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